This tutorial is on how to create a freeze frame in Avid Media Composer. I’ll show you how to perform a match frame, create a new freeze frame, how to add it to the timeline and how to adjust it.
Why I Watch Makeup Bloggers on YouTube
Note: Yesterday I had this whole post about New Year’s resolutions written and ready to go but thought that, well, it was boring. So I scrapped it and started on this one. Hope you enjoy it!
The world of media consumption is changing. Rapidly. I know I’m not the first person to say that. However I might be the first to say this: Everything you need to know about the evolution and trends of media consumption can seen from watching makeup bloggers on YouTube.
Yep, YouTube makeup bloggers. I watch them. Maybe you should too. Let me explain.
Black and White in After Effects
This tutorial is on how to change a clip to black and white and how to keyframe a clip from color to black and white in Adobe After Effects.
Finishing Strong to Start Stronger
There are 10,000 posts like “The Top-8 Ways to Tackle Your New Year’s Resolutions” streaming through your social media timelines and inboxes right now. This post is not one of them. This short post is to tell you that you can do whatever you want to do and give you a quick tip on succeeding in whatever goals you have whenever you have them.
Change Starting Timecode of Sequence in Avid MC
This tutorial is on how to change the starting timecode of a sequence in Avid Media Composer. Learn how in under 3 minutes.
End of 2014 Challenge
Are you in?
Without fail the last two weeks of every year can be called the most anti-personal-and/or-work-related productivity period of the year.
Nothing gets done.
At least nothing of any importance gets done towards your personal and/or professional goals.
Clients don’t respond. Producers go on vacation. It snows. Your in-laws stay at your house. You don’t want to workout because you’re waiting for January 1st. You are overburdened with last minute shopping and wrapping presents after one too many drinks.
I have a feeling that you’d rather use these two weeks to get something big finished instead. Maybe it’s something that’s been bugging you all year that you just didn’t get around to. Did you want to edit a family vacation video? Or write a short book? Start a website? Deep clean the garage? Why are we going to wait any longer to do these things when the opportunity is right in front of us?
I have a challenge for you. Let’s call it the End of 2014 Challenge. Together let’s take the next two weeks and complete one of these projects.
My 3 Favorite After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts
This week’s tutorial is on my three favorite keyboard shortcuts in Adobe After Effects. I’ll show you how to split a layer into two, how to trim a layer’s in and out points to the time indicator and more.
How to Become the Best Production Assistant
To break into the video industry you almost always have to become a PA, Production Assistant, or an AE, Assistant Editor. I’m assuming since you’re reading this than you’ve either been one, are one or want to become one. This article is on how to become the best assistant editor or production assistant that you can be.
I’ve worked as an assistant in a number of industries, as a PA and an AE and through my experiences I learned that there’s only one way to become the best PA or AE.
Here it is: Become the best PA or AE by always being one step ahead of the person you are assisting.
It’s rather simple. You can stop reading now if you want, my feelings won’t be hurt, or you can continue reading and learn about a couple real life examples from my career. There will also be some tactics along the way that will help you become the best PA or AE.
Zoom In and Out of Record Monitor in Avid Media Composer
This tutorial is on how to zoom in and out of your Record Monitor in Avid Media Composer. I’ll show you a couple ways to do this and how to move around the monitor with the Hand Tool. Question of the Week: What’s the newest shortcut you’ve learned? Below are some useful links mentioned in … Read more
Video Editing Methods: Swoopers vs. Bashers
There are only two methods for editing video. Which one do you use? Find out what they are and decide…are you a Swooper or a Basher?
Before leaving for vacation I was listening to Tim Ferriss’ podcast. He was interviewing Rolf Potts and they discussed author Kurt Vonnegut’s concept of “Swoopers and Bashers” when it comes to writing. This idea states that writers can only write in one of two ways: by swooping or by bashing. I believe the same theory can and should be applied to video editing methods too.