This tutorial is on how to use the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop. I’ll remove a object from the sky in a picture I took of the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan.
Video Industry
These are my thoughts on the video industry from the eyes of a video editor, video producer, and freelancer.
Focus, Lists and Spirals
Two quick updates before we get into today’s post:
#1 – I finally moved into my new edit bay at the office! Here’s a picture of phase 1. Next up is phase 2, which is all about decorations. Any ideas on what I should put up?
#2 – I got featured on Pro Video Coalition! How crazy is that?! Scott Simmons is doing a post production quick tip everyday this month and he offered to let me write one. Read it here!
Okay, on with today’s post about Focus, Lists and Spirals…
Have you ever felt like there is so much you have to do but then instead of doing one of them you decide to sit down and start watching TV? That’s where I’ve been for the past couple weeks. There is sooooo much going on and I haven’t gotten anything done because I don’t know where to begin.
I really want to get back on track, if I was ever actually on track, with writing more how-to or instructional posts about editing. However since this feeling is so over-whelming at the moment I feel like I should share this struggle with you, tell you what I’m doing about it and get your thoughts on the topic.
Entrepreneuring Video Editing
Replace Layer Shortcut in After Effects
This tutorial is on how to replace a layer in After Effects. I’ll show you a simple shortcut that’ll keep all the properties of a layer when you replace it.
Why I Have an Awful Logo
I have the worst logo ever for a creative professional and I don’t care one bit. Zero. In this post I’ll tell you why and why a logo could be holding you back from doing your best work.
Turn Off the Clock, Get More Done
Is Timecode Important?
The answer is yes. Timecode is still important. It’s a vital and fundamental skill that still has impact when shooting or editing in virtually every kind of video.
Monday night Shane Ross, one of my favorite editors to follow on Twitter, tweeted this:
This escalated to a remarkably civil discussion on the matter between him and a few other editors. I’m with Shane though. Timecode is incredibly important despite not being used in as many ways as it used to.
This post will go through a brief overview of what timecode is, some antiquated uses that I used it for and why it remains important to know and understand today.
Networking Ideas for Video Editors
Are you a video editor looking for networking ideas? You’ve come to the right place. Over the past decade in the edit bay, going both the fully-employed and fully-freelance routes, I’ve done my fair share of networking. It’s arguably just as important as knowing the software and the art of editing. Let’s take a look at some networking ideas for video editors.
Note: This post isn’t nearly as or LinkedIn-ish as the title might convey. Honestly, I just had no idea what to title it.
Some background you can skip if you just want to get to the ideas:
I write a list of ideas everyday. Okay, pretty much everyday. The lists are of anything… vacations I want to take, tutorials I should create, tricks I can teach my dog, … you get it. I wrote a list the other day that I want to expand upon and share with you.
The list was titled: Giant list of things you can do to find a job
First, this list isn’t that giant. It’s like 7 networking ideas for video editors. Second, this isn’t a list about getting a job now. It’s more about setting yourself up to find a job in six months. Or a year. Or in five or ten years. It’s also about building a personal and professional network around things you are interested in.
If you are new or trying to establish yourself in the video industry (or any industry) this post is for you. Even if you are already established in the industry I bet there are some ideas you’ll find that you can use to set yourself up better for future endeavors.
Let’s get going!
Why I Watch Makeup Bloggers on YouTube
Note: Yesterday I had this whole post about New Year’s resolutions written and ready to go but thought that, well, it was boring. So I scrapped it and started on this one. Hope you enjoy it!
The world of media consumption is changing. Rapidly. I know I’m not the first person to say that. However I might be the first to say this: Everything you need to know about the evolution and trends of media consumption can seen from watching makeup bloggers on YouTube.
Yep, YouTube makeup bloggers. I watch them. Maybe you should too. Let me explain.
Black and White in After Effects
This tutorial is on how to change a clip to black and white and how to keyframe a clip from color to black and white in Adobe After Effects.