How to Adjust Volume in Premiere Pro CC

This tutorial will teach you how to adjust volume in Premiere Pro CC. Audio in Premiere Pro can be changed a couple of different ways. I’ll show you how to change the audio levels through the Effect Controls Panel, by clicking on the clip in the timeline, and by using keyboard shortcuts.

I started editing in Premiere Pro with version CC 2015. And the process hasn’t changed since then. So no matter what version of Premiere Pro CC you’re working in, how to adjust the volume will be 99.9% identical at the time of this writing.

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How to Split Layer in After Effects

This tutorial will teach you how to split a layer in After Effects. You’ll learn what splitting a layer means, why you would want to do this, how to split a layer using a keyboard shortcut, and how to do this through After Effect’s Edit menu.

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Import Image Sequence into After Effects

This tutorial will teach you how to import an image sequence into After Effects.

An image sequence is a group of image files — .psd, .jpg, .png, .tif — that are numbered sequentially together in a folder. Each image acts as one frame of video. And what you are trying to do is import an image sequence into Adobe After Effects. Does that sound right to you? If so, great! Read on.

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Import Image Sequence into Premiere Pro

This tutorial will teach you how to easily import an image sequence into Premiere Pro.

To make sure you’re in the right place, an image sequence is a bunch of image files — .psd, .jpg, .png, .tif — that are numbered sequentially. They’ll typically be placed inside a folder by themselves as each image in the image sequence equals one frame of video.

The files end in a number and each file in the image sequence is one number higher than the rest. For example, EVF_00000.psdEVF_00001.psd, and EVF_00002.psd. They all combine and act as a video inside Premiere Pro. And what you’re trying to do is import this image sequence into Premiere Pro. Does that sound like what you’re trying to do? Great! Read on.

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Add Stroke to Text in After Effects

This tutorial will teach you how to add stroke to text in After Effects. You’ll also learn how to keyframe the stroke so you can change its color over time. And you’ll learn how to make your text display just a stroke so that the inside is see-through.

Just to make sure you’re in the right place, a stroke is a colored border or outline that surrounds text. And you’re looking to add a stroke to text in After Effects. Does that sound like what you’re trying to do? If so, read on!

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How to Underline Text in Photoshop 2021

This tutorial will teach you how to add an underline to text in Photoshop 2021 in seconds. You’ll also learn how to create custom size and color underline in Photoshop.

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Create a Simple Map Highlight Effect in After Effects

This tutorial explains how to create a very simple map highlight effect in After Effects. It can be done with a solid layer, a mask, one built-in effect, and a layer style. Here’s how:

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