This tutorial walks you through how tracks work in Premiere Pro. You’ll learn what happens when you have multiple video tracks on top of each other.
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How to Export a Frame (.jpg, .png, .psd, .tif) from After Effects in Seconds
This tutorial is on how to export a still frame out of After Effects. In it you’ll learn how to take a frame in After Effects and export a JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png), PSD (.psd), or TIFF (.tif). And you will learn how to export a still with or without an alpha channel as well. Here’s how:
How Video Editors Stay Productive
Let’s discuss how video editors can stay productive. For me, it’s Thursday at 6:24 PM.
There are four things I’ve blown off doing this afternoon/evening that were marked on my calendar. That’s a problem. A calendar should be a sacred thing. Something shouldn’t go on your calendar if it can move. Once you put it on your calendar you execute whatever it is no matter what.
It stems from me not doing my weekly review this past Sunday or the Sunday before then for that matter.
The first thing on my calendar for this afternoon was to do my weekly review, even though it’s not Sunday. I know that the weekly review is my way of getting organized mentally and digitally for the upcoming week. Without it…not much gets done. I’m lost. There are too many uncompleted tasks sitting in the tool I use to organize everything. My calendar is as strong as a wet paper towel.
Okay, so what’s a weekly review? Without going too far into the weeds, I roughly follow the “Getting Things Done” method of productivity/organization. And the tool I use to organize it all is called OmniFocus. I have both the desktop and mobile version because I’m a psycho.
Change Color of One Letter in After Effects
This tutorial teaches how to change the color of just one letter or word in a line of text in After Effects.
Locked vs. Unlocked Tracks in Avid Media Composer
This tutorial explains the difference between locked and unlocked tracks in Avid Media Composer and gives you reasons for using both.
Copy and Paste in Premiere Pro
How to Copy and Paste Clips in Premiere Pro
The video below will show you two ways to copy and paste clips in your timeline in Premiere Pro. There’s a quick recap beneath the video!
Premiere Pro Crash Course
This is a crash course in editing in Premiere Pro. Learn to set up your project, the basics of editing, audio mixing, color correction, effects, and more!
Combine Multiple Videos in Adobe Media Encoder
This tutorial explains how to combine multiple videos into one video using Adobe Media Encoder. You can do this in seconds instead of jumping into Premiere or another NLE and stitching them together.
Create Vlog in Premiere Pro
This video walks you through how to create a vlog in Premiere Pro. You see the entire vlog-editing process using Premiere Pro in this 40+ minute tutorial.
Show Used Clips In Premiere Pro
This tutorial teaches you how to show used clips (video, audio, music, title, .psd, etc.) in your Premiere Pro project and if so then where to find them in your sequence(s). Recapping How to Show Used Clips in Premiere Pro Open up the bin who’s clips you want to see if they’ve been used. In … Read more