The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #42

Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest! In this edition we cover creating GIFs in Premiere, how many producers should be on a project, YouTube Content ID policy changes & more.

In case you’re new around here, in the Video Editor’s Digest you get the lowdown on some cool happenings from around the internet on things related to video editing, video production, or just being a creative professional. It also gives me a chance to update you about new pieces on the EVF website and YouTube channel and tell you any freelance, work, or life stories I may have.

If you have a resource of your own or one you stumble across that you want to share in a future Video Editor’s Digest, you can submit it here.

Alright, let’s get into it!

Creating GIFs with Premiere Pro and GIPHY

Not going to joke around here. For the longest time I’ve been making my GIFs in Photoshop. I learned like 4-5 years ago how to do it and never thought of finding an easier method. Until today.

I stumbled upon a tutorial by Peter from Broke Visionary Collective (BVC Co.) that walks you through how to make a GIF in Premiere then edit it in GIPHY. 🤯

It’s seriously easy and I’m kicking myself for not searching for another way to do this. I also picked up the trick of clicking the filmstrip icon which is called the “Drag Video Only” button in the Source Monitor and dragging it onto the Timeline. This just brings the video portion of a clip into your sequence.

Peter’s tutorial runs 5:18 but the Premiere section is only about the first half of it. Watch the tutorial here. (link is to YouTube = autoplays)

How Many Video Producers Should be on a Project?

Last week producer Stephen Follows proposed an interesting question: Is it better to have one producer or a team of producers?

In his article Stephen dives into the data and financial numbers of feature films having one vs. multiple producers.

This one hit home a bit for me. Before moving into my new position, my company worked with one producer for a project. We’re not making Hollywood movies here but we do have a highly-complicated, niche product we’re creating videos for. Once I took my new position as “head producer” and overseeing the other producers I moved us towards the team approach.

TBH, I can’t imagine ever going back to solo producing. It definitely depends on your team (I’m super lucky with mine) but if you ask me, it’s much better to share the responsibility.

Here’s the link to Stephen’s article again.

New around here? Check out the Edit Video Faster Archives to see everything on the site.

YouTube Announces Another Content ID Policy Change

YouTube is making another change to it’s Content ID claiming policies. In VED Edition #37 we discussed the new tools available to creators if there’s a claim made against one of their videos. Now, starting in mid-September, a manual claim will be denied if someone else’s content is used without permission for a very short amount of time. An example they give is vlogging in a store with music playing in the background.

Here’s a quote from YouTube’s Creator Blog:

“Including someone else’s content without permission — regardless of how short the clip is — means your video can still be claimed and copyright owners will still be able to prevent monetization or block the video from being viewed. However, going forward, our policies will forbid copyright owners from using our Manual Claiming tool to monetize creator videos with very short or unintentional uses of music.”

You can read YouTube’s entire announcement here.

What’s New Around EVF

I’ll tell you what. Last week took a toll on this new dad. And working on the new Avid Media Composer Resources page was at the bottom of my to-do list. But it’s a new week! And with a new week comes a new to-do list and renewed optimism. Got my fingers crossed I’ll get some work done on it and hopefully out to you in the next few weeks.

Until then, please check out my new Networking Fundamentals for Video Editors article if you haven’t read it yet.

I hope you’re doing well and have a fantastic week. See you for a new Video Editor’s Digest next week!

Remember to subscribe here to get it in your inbox!

– Josh

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